Rick Vosper
All articles by Rick Vosper
As we head into spring, two new initiatives may redefine how bikes get to dealers.
The U.S. cycling industry’s race to the bottom started half a century ago with the end of the Bike Boom. Here’s why we’re still in the same race today.
As we head into 2025, it seems like more and more bike shops and bike brands are failing. But are they?
Why we have dealer agreements. And why they suck more than ever.
As the market for cycling and cycling products continues to shift and evolve, it becomes more important than ever to define who — and how many — we are.
Everything you’ve always wanted to know about how the bike business got to be the way it is today.
With world-class resources and marketing budgets to match, you'd think large global companies could easily take a big position in the bike business if they wanted. So why haven't they?
The post-COVID reality is reshaping how both suppliers and dealers conduct their businesses.
Remember all the bikes we sold during COVID? The riders are still out there, and they're still riding.
For sure dealers are getting squeezed on overstocked bike pricing, but suppliers are feeling the same pinch.
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