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If you have questions, please contact our classified sales manager, Ron Bertola, at 949.300.0502 or send him an email at

Pricing is per issue. 1 issue = 4 weeks online. You may run your ad for up to 2 issues / 8 weeks. Online ads are posted immediately upon payment. Print ads will appear in the next available issue of Bicycle Retailer and Industry News.
Select the number of issues / time online that you would like this classified to run. Pricing is per issue.
Run Dates
Enter the dates during which this classified item will be active on the site. Empty 'End date' values will use the 'Start date' values.
E.g., 10/06/2024
E.g., 10/06/2024
Enter a headline or call to action to be displayed at the top of the classified in print and/or online.
For many ads, listing a location can be helpful, especially for 'shops for sale' or 'positions available'.
Upload an image for this classified. Files must be less than 256 MB. Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg. Images must be smaller than 1200x800 pixels.
Uncheck to hide email address. Will be included by default.
The primary email contact address for this ad.
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

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