
Remember all the bikes we sold during COVID? The riders are still out there, and they're still riding.

Service is crucial to bike shop operations, and it sparks intense discussions about its actual value, the correct operating approach, and its overall importance to a bike shop's health.

For sure dealers are getting squeezed on overstocked bike pricing, but suppliers are feeling the same pinch.

Getty image (of a real bike shop).

Inventory is a crucial asset, but it can also be an albatross.

Churn, baby.

Bike shops are going out of business ... but new dealers are still stepping up to take their place.

The very nature of our business is changing from relationships to transactions. And the business itself needs to change to keep up.

The 2023 import numbers are in, and they tell an eye-opening story

Getty image

The more things change, the more they stay the same, and 2024 will be no exception

Brian Jenks, the owner of Hubbub, a retail store and e-commerce business, responds to a recent Outside Online article by Eben Weiss titled “There’s No Good Reason to Buy a Carbon Bike.”

Industry attorney Steven Hansen reminds the industry that comments are due Tuesday as the CPSC makes rule changes to require online test data reporting upon product importation. However, e-bike batteries would not be included because they don't yet have a CPSC test standard.

Tagged Electric bike

It's been a tough year for suppliers and retailers, and to get a sense of what happened on a nationwide basis, I reached out to Patrick Hogan, senior research manager for the PeopleForBikes Coalition. Fortunately, 2023 is finally over, and the new year offers a slightly less bleak picture.

When I read Rick Vosper’s October opinion/analysis piece, headlined "Nearly half of U.S. bike shops don't carry any Big Four brands," my obvious reaction was: “but more than half do.”

Sure, bike shops are going out of business, but new ones are stepping up to take their place at an equal or greater rate.

The Quadrumvirate members may remain constant, but there's plenty of change in the rest of the top ten over the last 13 years.

I would like to take this opportunity to share our brand vision for retailers and riders alike. More importantly, I want to emphasize our belief in human connection and the retail network we operate with; plus celebrate all retailers who drive the cycling life in America.

Staying small and lean seems to work, at least for some non-aligned dealers.

The more things change in the bike business, the more they stay the same.

It's the middle of summer and inventories are still up while sales are still down. So what do we do now?

Inventories are up, sales are down. So why are bike companies still spending millions on professional road racing teams?

After digging into the available data and information emerging about the economy, the American consumer, and the dynamic changes brought about by the pandemic, I offer the following working theories for your consideration.


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