
More Americans are riding bikes now than at any point during the past 20 years. So why aren't they buying new ones?

Guest Editorial by The Out-of-Class Electric Vehicle Working Group

Tagged Electric bike

Between record high inventory levels and record low sales, spring can't get here soon enough. So where the heck is it?

Industry consultant Jay Townley says the industry bears responsibility to deal with e-bike safety concerns.

Tagged Electric bike

Can powersports brands successfully invade the IBD e-bike market? Answer: They're trying, but it's complicated.

Tagged Electric bike

Former retailer Tobie DePauw says there is incredible potential for retailers who can harness the momentum of excited riders in the wake of the bike boom. Like in judo, you can use their inertia to your advantage.

Every day at IMBA, we’re hearing from a land manager, an IMBA Local partner, a local trail champion, or a recreation professional about e-MTBs. From questions about the class system, to identification, management, enforcement, speed, trail etiquette — while mountain bike trails and riding styles vary widely, we’re observing a common set of challenges with e-MTBs.

Too many bikes is nothing new. In fact we’ve been oversupplying ourselves for a decade.

Steve Maxwell, co-editor of The Outer Line, takes a look at the cycling media landscape, reviewing the myriad challenges of recent years, and suggesting five key factors for future success.

Former members of the professional mechanics' group provided an update.

Tagged Retailer education / Advocacy/Non-profits
Happy guy in bike shop - stock Getty image

The IBD isn't dead, but it definitely ain't what it used to be. Suppliers, too. In fact, the entire specialty retail channel is adapting to a new way of doing business.

While the industry strives to diversify its audience and product offerings to become more inclusive, Marley Blonsky and her organization All Bodies on Bikes are taking the lead to welcome and include riders of all sizes.

Clint Sandusky.

E-bike rider education — and how retailers can foster it — was highlighted at the California Association of Bicycling Organizations' CABDA West Expo booth.

Tagged Electric bike

Things are tough for retailers, tough for suppliers, and as usual, sales reps are getting caught in the middle.

In 2020, the CPSC conducted a recall of the Cannondale Canvas NEO, which comes in Class 1 and Class 3 versions.

(BRAIN) — Do Class 3 e-bikes fall into a black hole of product categories, neither bicycles nor motorcycles, able to charge about the landscape unplugged and unregulated, with no government safety oversight?

Tagged Electric bike

Insurance expert Scott Chapin advises retailers that their risks are much greater than 15 years ago, due to e-bikes.

Tagged Electric bike

In Part 2 on how to educate and supply e-bikes and services to public safety agencies, here are the questions to ask your public safety customers.

Tagged Electric bike
Photo by Eye Speak on Unsplash

For at least one social media news cycle last summer, e-bike fans took to their keyboards in disgust when TheAtlantic.com published “The E-bike Is a Monstrosity” by Ian Bogost.

Tagged Electric bike

An in-depth look at how to educate and supply e-bikes and services to public safety agencies, including law enforcement.

Tagged Electric bike

Here's what to expect during the long, dark winter ahead.


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