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Send us your Sea Otter news and calendar items!

Published February 24, 2020

BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) — It's that time of year again and we're looking for your Sea Otter news and events. 

BRAIN is once again producing the official Sea Otter Festival Guide, a consumer-facing print publication that is distributed at the Sea Otter Classic and mailed along with BRAIN's April magazine and VeloNews' May magazine issue. It also will be available in digital format.

Along with articles and tips about how to best enjoy the festival, the Guide contains a calendar of events and performances. If your company is holding a special event, please share the information at this link by March 1: seaotterclassic.com/marketing-and-free-promotions.

If your company is doing anything else at the event — launching a new product, highlighting a new partnership, or what have you — we want to know about it, too. We will not be able to include all new products in the Guide, but your information may inform the product trend articles we are working on. We may be able to use it in our online coverage of the festival, as well. Please send that information to BRAIN's editor, Steve Frothingham, at sfrothingham@bicycleretailer.com.

If you are concerned about leaking product news prior to the event, please get in touch with Steve to discuss mail dates, embargos, etc. 

If you are interested in advertising in the Guide, please talk to your sales rep or visit bicycleretailer.com/advertise, where you can download a Sea Otter Guide media kit.

Send us your Sea Otter news and calendar items!
Topics associated with this article: BRAIN News, Sea Otter Classic