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Mann University adds merchandiser Mercedes Ross as instructor

Published March 4, 2015

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (BRAIN) — The Mann Group has added Mercedes Ross from Merchandising Werxs as an adjunct professor for the March session of its Mann University retail education program.

Ross has more than 20 years of visual merchandising experience in the motorcycle and bicycle industries and is collaborating with a local specialty retail store in The Mann Group’s hometown of Asheville, N.C., to be a lab for the Mann University course. She will spend time in the store with the students and then deliver a class titled “Creating Merchandising Guidelines.”

“You don’t have to do a whole remodel — sometimes you only have to make small adjustments to increase sales,” Ross said. “It’s where and how you put things that matters. I am so excited to teach this to the students at Mann University.”

Dan Mann, president of The Mann Group, said, “We are very excited to have Mercedes as a professor at Mann University. Mercedes’ history in specialty retail in regards to visual merchandising is invaluable to owners, managers and visual merchandisers.

Mann University is a three-day course in Asheville covering retail leadership, retail tactics and profitability, augmented with small-group interactions using a proprietary ORBT (Optimized Reality Behavior Training) methodology.

To learn more about Mann University, visit For an in-depth look at the program, see Bicycle Retailer’s report in the upcoming March 15 issue.