
Americans are driving less and that could mean more reason for them to consider replacing car trips with bike trips.

GT is holding out hope that this tale plays out just like that Brothers Grimm fairy tale.

It’s nearly impossible to make it through a day in this constantly connected world without hearing about Twitter.

As a self-professed apostle of city bikes, Tom Petrie sees them as the next evolution of bikes in the United States. But when asked whether he believed U.S. bike shops would convert, he admitted that was the $64,000 question.

Thanks to Kate Scheider at Bikes Belong, I just discovered an enlightening piece of research on bicycling and walking. Commissioned by the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), executed by the Gallup organization, and released in August 2008, it’s a treasure trove of how Regular Americans use and view their bicycles. Click here to download the .pdfs.

All this jabber about cycling being the new golf has clearly gotten under the tender hide of the medical community, long renowned for spending more time examining putts than patients.

Fresh off a day of skiing at Mammoth, Wick from Pro Net/Kore stopped by yesterday, bringing with him some Limar helmets.

Golf's best known cyclist is David Feherty, former professional golfer from Northern Ireland and current CBS on-course golf analyst. And one of the funniest people on the planet. His irreverence is a breath of fresh air in the stuffy world of golf. Think O'Grady with a lilting accent.

Our very own Mad Dog, Patrick O'Grady, received Top 10 bicycling blog honors from veteran journalist Sal Ruibal.

Ian Klepetar has a pretty sweet gig. He rides his bike from town to town and business to business to sign new members up for Bicycle Benefits. Ian, 31, along with his brother Dillon, thought about developing it while heading up the Saratoga Healthy Transportation Network, a couple of years ago.

Like many of you, I’ll be following this year’s Tour of California with a keen eye. But, unlike many of you, I’m not what you would call an avid road-racing fan. I know: take my new BRAIN jersey off, have Sani lash me ten times over.

Old pal and industry stalwart Paul Stumpe is on his last legs (PLEASE SEE UPDATE). Paul was part of our early-'80s Bicycle Outfitter crew in Los Altos, CA (which also included owners Dick and Marilyn Powell, Ellen Johnson, Blair Clark, Robert Wilkins, Kathleen Koenig and Preston Freeman). Stumpe later ran Garner's in Redwood City for several years.

It seems hard to believe in this day and age that a Southern California garment maker can hand-make apparel and still compete with products manufactured overseas. But Maria Marsh and her mother, Leonor, are making the model work by focusing on the company’s heritage: cycling caps.

We need your help in picking a BRAIN Jersey.

I shut my office door Friday night on an upbeat note. I’d found a glimmer of positive news in the morning’s Wall Street Journal. (Yes, I read newspapers and yes, I had to look for the glimmer.) But the Dow and Nasdaq had ended the day throwing off a feeble spark of life. And after a few phone calls around the country last week, I’d decided that the bicycle business was a great place to be.

Just got off the phone with Bikes Belong's Tim Blumenthal who is at ground zero and in the thick of it in Washington D.C., making sure the final stimulus package has plenty of bicycle-related project funding.

Looking every bit the skate punk with his handlebar mustache and '80s psychedelic-print sweatshirt, Scott USA marketing maven Adrian Montgomery dropped by the BRAIN office today en route from the San Diego wind tunnel to Solvang for the Team Columbia-Highroad camp.

Industry vet and leader of the Tomac brand Joel Smith dropped this quote on me from Johnny T this morning. A fan of his asked him on Tomac's Web site if doping existed back when he was racing and collecting trophies, and if he was ever tempted to use ?

BRAIN - published its first piece about the industry entering the blogosphere in June 2005. Now, after a few years of watching from the bleachers, engaging in discussion about the practical applications of new media and fielding questions about when BRAIN is going to enter the fray, we’re finally jumping in.

Leave it to the FNG. Shortly after I arrived here at BRAIN global headquarters I heard they were getting ready to launch a blog and volunteered to write the occasional entry. Of course now I’m lamenting my decision but I am a man of my word. Besides, it’ll be fun to share the inner workings of the media conglomerate known as BRAIN and let the bike industry know what goes on around here. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain .


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