
Thursday was Bike to Work day for much of Southern California and elsewhere in the country. No surprise that many companies in the industry took the opportunity to entice employees to do good on the planet and leave their cars at home for the day.

Over 650 bell ringers filled a Boulder high school field last Saturday, and raised over $18,000 to help a single mother of four fighting cancer, and shattered a world record.

Do you like the Tour of California moving to May?

On New York streets usually overrun by the city’s iconic yellow taxis, cyclists took over for just one morning. Cyclists on all forms of two wheels imaginable conquered the streets of Manhattan and the surrounding boros during the Five Boro Bike Tour.

Bike to Work Month kicks off today and BRAIN isn’t letting the occasion pass us by this year.

Beautiful day in coastal OC for a bicycle race.

Just read a good story on Entrepreneur.com about BMX legend Dave Mirra and skate stars Ryan Sheckler and Paul Rodriguez.

Did your company do anything as extreme as Jones Soda and power your office with bikes?

SRAM had a very special guest at this year's launch at the Sea Otter Classic, road racing champ Levi Leipheimer.

More product from Sea Otter!!!

Tagged Sea Otter Classic

Warm weather on Friday brought out the crowds to Laguna Seca Raceway for the second day of the Sea Otter Classic

The mood was one of optimism as exhibitors kicked off the spring season at the Sea Otter Classic on Thursday. Vendors reported steady crowds, particularly for the first day of the four-day festival, as the sun shone on Laguna Seca Raceway in Monterey, California.

Check out some of the new products the BRAIN crew encountered on Sea Otter's first day.

Tagged Sea Otter Classic

Braving fierce winds and raw temperatures, 14 die-hard golfers played for pride and industry bragging rights on the Bayonet golf course in Monterey to kick off the Bicycle Leadership Conference.

When I first heard about the San Diego Custom Bicycle Show (SDCBS) I have to admit I wondered what the point was. Consumer shows have a dismal long-term success rate. However, the North American Handmade Bicycle Show’s ongoing growth and increasing popularity, even despite moving to the cycling and tourism Mecca of Indiannapolis, Indiana, has proven that it is possible to draw a crowd of dedicated cyclists indoors for something other than a track race.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the sidewalk, Segway and GM team up for a two-wheeled version of that silly-ass scooter, dubbed PUMA, short for “Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility.” Huh. I thought that was why God gave us feet. You can even strap a pair of Pumas onto ‘em, if you’re so inclined. And they won’t cost you one-sixth of what a car costs today, which is as close as Segway chief Jim Norrod would come to discussing a price point with the Detroit Free Press.

Behold, BRAIN publisher Marc Sani on an Electra Townie.

One thing I haven’t mentioned but I find particularly interesting is that not only is Minnesota home to many bike companies and some of our industry’s top retailers, but it’s the headquarter state of many Fortune 500 companies.

Fox Racing Shox showed off its 2010 product during a media demo day on Thursday at Zaca Station, a motocross track located on an 8,500-acre private ranch outside Buellton, California.

So by now I'm sure everyone's read about Dorel's plan to consolidate its offices and move Cannondale's U.S. manufacturing overseas.


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