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PeopleForBikes' PlacesForBikes will rate communities on bike friendliness and offer resources

Published January 20, 2017

BOULDER, Colo.  (BRAIN) — PeopleForBikes' latest program, called PlacesForBikes, is intended to jumpstart the construction of bike-friendly infrastructure. The initiative includes a city rating system; expert "how-to" resources for communities and businesses; and an annual conference for city and business leaders. The program's founding sponsor is Trek Bikes.

"The biggest reason that people don't ride bikes more is that they don't have safe and convenient places to ride," said Tim Blumenthal, president of PeopleForBikes. "Our goal is to help cities build better places to ride bikes, and build them faster."

PlacesForBikes will begin compiling data for a comprehensive U.S. city rating system in February, when surveys will go out to residents, retailers, community leaders, and city officials. The rating system will combine this community input with publicly available data and a new measure of bike networks to recognize cities and towns that are creating safer places to ride and motivate those that are just getting started.

"Cities are the leaders now in building bike infrastructure," said Blumenthal. "From small towns to mid-sized and large cities, there is new energy and motivation to create better places for bikes."

PlacesForBikes will hold its inaugural conference June 28-30 in Madison, Wisconsin. Delegations of local leaders and bike retailers will meet peers from across the nation, learn time-tested effective strategies and return home to develop action plans for their communities. Early bird registration is now open at


Topics associated with this article: Advocacy/Non-profits