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Framed Bicycles adds more sales reps for Wolftrax fat bikes

Published January 20, 2016

ST. PAUL, Minn. (BRAIN) — Framed Bicycles has added several sales reps for its new series of "Non Internet" Framed Fat bikes, sold under the Wolftrax series name.

Martin Gomez is now covering Southern California from San Diego to Santa Barbara. Gomez has been working in the specialty end of the bike business for more than 20 years. He can be reached at or (909 )268-9665.

Robert Moorman is now covering Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Moorman, most recently of Raleigh Bicycles, has more than 21 years in the specialty bike channel. He can be reached at or at (208) 954-1691.

Scott Anderson will be covering Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico as soon as his prior employment commitments are finished. Anderson is formerly of ASI and QBP and has a long history serving the specialty bike market. He can be reached at or (970) 531-1035.