Donations still being accepted in PinkBike's campaign to buy bikes for kids | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Donations still being accepted in PinkBike's campaign to buy bikes for kids

Published December 24, 2014
Indiegogo campaign has raised $46k so far for underprivileged kids.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (BRAIN) — PinkBike.com and Trailforks have raised more than $46,000 so far in an Indiegogo campaign to deliver bikes to underprivileged kids. The campaign wraps up at midnight Christmas Eve.

Pinkbike and Trailforks created the Share the Ride Foundation last year; in its first season the organization aimed to raise $25,000 in contributions, but ended up with $41,426. This year the initial goal of $30,000 was quickly surpassed.

Last year the organization distributed new bicycles, helmets and locks to children in seven locations world wide.

More information on the Indiegogo campaign page.

Donations still being accepted in PinkBike's campaign to buy bikes for kids