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Wind tunnel expert Mike Giraud joins Cyclologic

Published August 1, 2014

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (BRAIN) — Mike Giraud, who has worked with many top athletes, teams and manufacturers at North Carolina's A2 Wind Tunnel, is joining the independent cycling analytics company Cyclologic as its technical director of cycling analysis.

At A2, Giraud has worked with the cycling industry and other sports industries on athlete positioning and product development. Giraud has created testing practices and protocols used by teams and others to maximize rider aerodynamics and power output efficiency.

"Very few people have the skill set to bridge the gap between engineering, diagnostic analysis and athlete the way Mike does," said Cyclologic's founder and chief technologist, Paraic McGlynn. 

Cyclologic, based in Arizona, consults and educates manufacturers, athletes, coaches and others on cycling performance-related science. Giraud has been a guest presenter at Cyclologic analysis classes for several years, he noted.

"It's exciting for me to be able to focus on improving an athlete's performance using science and new technologies to help them achieve their personal and professional goals," Giraud said. "Paraic and Cyclologic have consistently been on the forefront of technology development, and I'm committed to helping them continue down this path."

Giraud working with a prototype wheel in the A2 tunnel.