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Angel Fire establishes firefighter fund

Published May 13, 2013

ANGEL FIRE, NM (BRAIN) — With a dangerous fire season expected across northern New Mexico, Angel Fire Resort is setting aside a portion of sales from its summer opening weekend for a regional firefighter fund.

Created by the resort, the Northern New Mexico Firefighter Fund will receive 10 percent of sales during the May 17-19 opening weekend from resort activities including mountain biking, golfing, fishing, boating, ziplining and chairlift rides.

Angel Fire’s bike park has more than 50 miles of cross-country and downhill trails.

“This drought season is a scary one, especially for all of us in the higher elevation areas,” said Jamie Seifert, mountain operations manager for Angel Fire. “We’re all in this together, and we want to do what we can here at Angel Fire Resort to provide as many resources as possible for firefighters.”

For more information on summer activities at Angel Fire, call (800) 633-7463 or visit