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Bicycle Leadership Conference needs speakers

Published December 27, 2011

MONTEREY, CA (BRAIN)—The Bicycle Leadership Conference, which will be held April 17-19 in Monterey, is looking for presenters who can participate in a session titled "Reaching Hidden Markets: Some Great Ideas...Fast!"

"By 'fast' we mean a hard-hitting, throw-those-ideas-out-there, and see-what-sticks type of session," the BLC said Tuesday in a press release.

Each session will consist of five presenters. Each will have five minutes to share their ideas on how to find and reach new consumers. Following each presentation, there will be a 10-minute Q&A session.

To apply, see the application information on the BLC website. Applications are due by January 31 and the presenters will be announced February 13.

Topics associated with this article: Tradeshows and conferences