LEVA Draws Large Crowd at Interbike | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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LEVA Draws Large Crowd at Interbike

Published September 21, 2011

LAS VEGAS, NV (BRAIN)—The Light Electric Vehicle Association (LEVA) saw a much bigger crowd this year. This was largely due to the test track being almost four times larger, which accommodated more than 600 riders—a 50 percent increase over last year.

The LEVA day long seminars held on September 15 were well attended and drew an average of 100 attendees throughout the day. Topics ranged from how IBDs can successfully sell electric bikes, to how to legally and safely ship lithium batteries, the legal aspects of electric bikes, a battery tech certification class, and the repair and service of light electric vehicles.

Last Friday morning, LEVA organized a networking breakfast for dealers and suppliers which had 85 attendees, up 55 percent over last year, proving again the interest in building the use of LEVs in the North American market. LEVA founder, Ed Benjamin, spoke of the growth of the LEVA market as behind the now firmly entrenched LEV market in the EU, but showing a definite growth curve.

Topics associated with this article: Tradeshows and conferences, Interbike