Momentum Mag Has a New Look | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Momentum Mag Has a New Look

Published March 14, 2011

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (BRAIN)—Momentum Magazine celebrates its 50th issue this March/April with a new look.

The Momentum facelift was inspired by the changing landscape of city living and increased bicycle use. Publishers Mia Kohout and Tania Lo see the new vision as a way for the magazine to reach out to a more mainstream audience and inspire more people to ride bikes for transportation.

“Riding a bike for everyday needs is a smart choice for city living. We wanted our look and a tagline to reflect this. This is why we have changed our tagline from ‘the magazine for self-propelled people’ to ‘smart living by bike’,” Kohout said. “Moving forward, we want to reach out to more people, whom we like to call the bike curious. The only way we are going to get more people riding is to reach people that are not doing it yet. We see this as our critical target market.”

Momentum Mag Has a New Look
Topics associated with this article: Media/Publishing