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TerraCycle Acquiring FastBack Designs

Published January 2, 2008

PORTLAND, ORE (BRAIN)—Two leading companies in the design and manufacture of accessories for recumbent bicycles are teaming up.

TerraCycle, of Portland, Ore. is acquiring Fort Collins, Colo.–based FastBack Designs and plans to expand its successful line of hydration packs and frame bags.

The sale is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Mike Vogl started FastBack several years ago when he couldn’t find a good way to carry a hydration bladder, and has since added dozens of products to his company’s line.

“We’ve grown quickly, and the demands of the business require increasing time and resources,” Vogl said. “It is a good time for another company to take FastBack to a higher level of distribution and service.”

TerraCycle is a good choice to be that company because FastBack products are a natural complement to TerraCycle’s racks, idlers, accessory mounts and stems, said TerraCycle president Pat Franz.

Franz says TerraCycle will grow the FastBack line and keep production in the U.S.

“It’s the best way to ensure quality and accountability,” Franz said.

Effective immediately, orders for FastBack products will be filled in Oregon by TerraCycle.

Topics associated with this article: Mergers, Acquisitions & Investments