
Posted November 2, 2007


NOVATO, CA—Mainstream brands are catching up to urban and commuter bike-focused brands when it comes to product selection and quality.

Companies like Trek, Specialized and Giant are making strides in this market. But they’re not the only ones that see this category as having legs.

Posted November 1, 2007

MONTREAL, Quebec (BRAIN)—Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) has
released the results of a survey showing that an overwhelming majority of Montrealers (82 percent) believe that using bikes to commute to work can be an effective way to reduce greenhouse gases and fight climate change.

Posted November 1, 2007

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Mountain bikers and land managers from across Israel came together recently for five days of education and partnership building.

Posted November 1, 2007

WASHINGTON DC, (BRAIN)—Park Tool isn't only sponsoring NBDA's Super Seminar Series. The company is also giving away a customized Park Tool folding knife to every dealer that attends.

Posted October 31, 2007

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—Bikes Belong has completed creative development on the first phase of a nationwide ad campaign designed to inspire non-cyclists to ride.

The ad campaign is entitled "Remember Me" and includes three separate ads, targeting different audiences.

Posted October 31, 2007

JEFFERSONVILLE, IN (BRAIN)—Trek has partnered with Service Net Solutions for the administration of extended service plans covering a variety of Trek bikes and accessories.

Posted October 31, 2007

MADISON, WI (BRAIN)—Pacific Cycle's third quarter revenue was up 2.3 percent to $81.3 million from $79.4 million a year ago.

Posted October 31, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC (BRAIN)—Senator Mark Pryor’s bill, the Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform Act of 2007, jumped its first hurdle this week by passing a Senate Commerce Committee vote.

Posted October 31, 2007

“Yeah, man, we thought we were really rocking out," said guitarist A.J. Flores. The musicians quickly realized the Bay Area just had an earthquake and that the rumbling had nothing to do with their Metallica cover song.

Posted October 30, 2007

BOSTON, MA (BRAIN)—Boston mayor Mayor Thomas M. Menino has committed to making Boston a bicycle friendly city.

Posted October 30, 2007

"Trick or treat." —Miles Jamison Norman

Posted October 30, 2007

BETHEL, CT (BRAIN)—Cannondale hired Joanne Sessler as its new general manager of apparel, footwear and accessories.

Sessler takes over for Phillip Sporidis, who left the company to spend more time with his family.

Posted October 30, 2007

SEATTLE, WA (BRAIN)—In an effort to reduce the amount of paper it uses on a monthly basis, Seattle Bike Supply launched a paperless invoicing and statement program. Dealers now have the option to receive e-Invoices and e-Statements.
