J&B offering e-bike conversion kits | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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J&B offering e-bike conversion kits

Published May 12, 2014

PHILADELPHIA (BRAIN) — J&B Importers is now stocking the E-BikeKit and E-TrikeKit from Electric Bike Technologies USA.

“This is a significant endorsement for electric bike conversion in the U.S. market and a momentous opportunity for our company," said Electric Bike Technologies CEO Jason Kraft. "We’ve been hard at work since 2008 developing what we know to be the best value in electric bike conversion kits and to have that recognized by J&B is a real honor.”

Kraft said J&B’s line of Sun adult tricycles are a perfect match for his company's E-TrikeKit.

The systems are available now from J&B in all wheel sizes, front and rear, with several motor and battery options. Future plans include the introduction of a high-end 500-1000w geared motor and lithium battery options.

Electric Bike Technologies has offered conversion kits since 2008.

More information: jbimporters.com and ebikekit.com.

A rear direct drive E-BikeKit.A rear direct drive E-BikeKit.
Topics associated with this article: Electric bike, Distributor news