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New hall of fame to celebrate urban cycling

Published May 15, 2013

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (BRAIN) — Chrome Industries and public relations and marketing firm Echos Communications are partnering with members of the urban cycling community to launch the Urban Cycling Hall of Fame (UCHOF).

The inaugural 2012 UCHOF Selection Committee includes urban riding pioneers Kevin “Squid” Bloger, John “Prolly” Watson, Christina Peck, Austin Horse, Nelson Vails and Andy White.

The organization’s mission in the first year is to collect the artifacts and stories of urban cyclists to create collections that will tell the story of urban cycling and educate the public on the culture.

As part of its launch, UCHOF is issuing an open call to the public to nominate cyclists and other figures who have contributed to the urban riding movement. Categories include Riders, Organizers and Makers.

At this year’s Interbike, Sept. 18-20, UCHOF will present an exhibit and will also host its inaugural Urban Cycling Awards Ceremony off-site at the Double Down Saloon in Las Vegas.

To propose a nominee or donate memorabilia, visit

Topics associated with this article: Advocacy/Non-profits, Awards