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So what's all this, then?

Published August 27, 2012

LAGUNA HILLS, CA (BRAIN)—Welcome to our new website, a project that’s been in development for several months.

We know change can be disorientating at first, but we think you'll like what we've done. And if you don't, we've even made it easier for you to let us know.

First, since we noticed that more of our readers are coming to on their smart phones and tablets, this site adapts to all screen sizes, from phones to tablets to large monitors. The photo to the right is from an iPhone.

We improved navigation and search functions so you can find what you want more quickly.

We stretched the “Latest News” section on the homepage so you can scan several days' headlines without having to click to a new page. We're grateful to all of you who clicked through page after page to find stories on the old site. Seriously, you people are saints. But we think you'll find the new homepage requires less work on your part.

We've made landing pages for International News, New ProductsOpinion and Analysis  and other categories, all reachable with one click from the navigation bar below our logo. 

Behind the scenes, editors can easily package related articles so you can peruse all the stories, slideshows and other features associated with a trade show or major news story. And we have more tools to add photos with captions, slideshows, videos and other graphics. We can insert photos that expand in a pop-up window when you click them, so you see all the details of a new product, for example. Our web editor is proud of the picture to the left, of the rear hub on a yellow frame. Click on it and it will get real big and you'll make him happy.

Click me: Sometimes you need a closer look

Scrolling atop the homepage is BRAIN’s first stock ticker, delivering real-time stock prices for more than 50 publicly traded companies in the bicycle or related industries. And readers can view a full stock listing by clicking on a link on the homepage.

Join the conversation

In a big change, readers can now post comments on published articles for the first time on The comment system is tied to Facebook. To comment or view other comments, users must sign into their Facebook account.

We didn't do this just because we own Facebook stock. Many sites have found that the Facebook comment system discourages the dreaded anonymous trolls and spammers, while encouraging more thoughtful conversations. There might be a few of you without Facebook accounts, but we can't think of any system that has more registered users than Facebook (1.2 billion at last count). Yes, it's an extra step to sign in , but remember that the extra step discourages some of the knee-jerk negative commenters, profanity spewers and trolls, who prefer a path of little resistance. We don't regret slowing down those types, a little. And when you are commenting, you are using your Facebook account - you know, the same one where your mother is your friend? So be nice, your mother will appreciate it.

“The improvements and, in particular, the Facebook-driven comment system will help our community share information and ideas with their colleagues and our writers and editors. Journalism is a two-way street and the new site opens up traffic in both directions,” said Steve Frothingham, the magazine’s web editor.

Many of our users arrive at our site via links on Twitter, Facebook or other social media. So we've streamlined that process, making it easier to share links through those services. As mentioned above, the site is much more usable from mobile devices now, so if you do your media socializing, sharing and news reading when you're on the go, BRAIN can now be part of it.

Post an ad, subscribe or contact us

Other key improvements include new advertising features and expanded ad sizes. Classified and Subscriber sections have been automated so users can write, pay and post classified ads on the site or buy a full subscription to Bicycle Retailer quickly.

The Staff Directory features interesting bios, photos and contact information. Well, we think they're interesting. You can let us know.

“In print and online, BRAIN has been a community resource for the last 20 years,” said Lynette Carpiet, the magazine’s editor.

“With this launch we’ve added features and graphic elements to make our website more modern, informative and interactive. We will continue to fine-tune it in the coming weeks to ensure it delivers on BRAIN’s primary mission—supplying timely, authoritative news on the worldwide bike industry.”

Let us know what you think. There's a survey on the homepage and you can use our contact form or get in touch with any of us through the Staff Directory.

Or, you can leave a comment, right down there below this article.

Our new site as seen on an iPhone. We think you'll like it.