Rock N Road sharpens focus on fit | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Rock N Road sharpens focus on fit

Published February 8, 2013

IRVINE, CA (BRAIN) — Orange County Specialized dealer Rock N Road Cyclery has opened redesigned Body Geometry Fit studios at three of its four locations, part of the retailer’s increased focus on high-end bike fitting. 

“We had been offering Body Geometry Fits for a while, but I was the first person to see the potential of making it a larger part of our business model in 2008,” said Nicky Down, who was recently promoted to a new fit manager position at Rock N Road.  “I found that the more fits I did, the more fits I get asked to do, because people don’t really know what a proper fit feels like until they get a Body Geometry Fit. It’s a terrific word-of-mouth business. Now we are focused on building out great fit experiences at each location.”

Down now manages a team of eight Body Geometry Fit Specialists, each having attended the fit program offered at Specialized headquarters in Morgan Hill, California.

“Our Irvine location’s studio was completed last month [January] and it looks fantastic,” said Down. “Riders feel comfortable in the semi-private space and other customers are always asking about it. It’s as much a way to get curious riders interested in the process as it is about providing a great fit experience.” 

This Irvine studio follows the renovation of the existing fit room at the 20-year-old retailer’s Laguna Niguel location, completed in October, and a space in Mission Viejo that was improved as part of a store remodel in 2011. 

Rock N Road’s new Body Geometry Fit studio in Irvine, California, was completed in January.Rock N Road’s new Body Geometry Fit studio in Irvine, California, was ...