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Selling Cycling '08: Selling Service, Repair

Published August 17, 2008

BOULDER, CO (BRAIN)—The Selling Cycling web- and DVD-based staff training program recently set a new record by surpassing its 300,000th training incident for the 2008 season, according to Ray Keener, Growth Cycle President.

The success is the result of several factors, Keener said.

"First, we had a great influx of new retailers this year. We're now over 1,500 stores and 13,000 employees registered. Second, with the sales and customer service training online this year for the first time, there's one more reason for staff to view the content on the Web as well as on DVD," Keener said.

Now that the Spring retail selling season is over, Keener is focused on making custom training content for 2009 for several manufacturers with video shoots throughout the summer months.

For an 8-minute demo of the Selling Cycle program, follow this link, and look below under Web Exclusives for this week's sample training module.