Bike share association expresses 'frustration' over White House dock removal and Trump budget | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Bike share association expresses 'frustration' over White House dock removal and Trump budget

Published August 23, 2017

WASHINGTON (BRAIN) — The North American Bikeshare Association said it is frustrated by a decision to remove a Capital Bikeshare station from the White House grounds last week. The removal was reported on the Washingtonian website and elsewhere. 

NABSA's executive director, Samantha Herr said, "Last week, President Trump removed the Capital Bikeshare station that was located inside the White House. The nine-bike station, which the Obama administration had installed in 2010, was a way for White House employees to get to the White House and to move about the grounds without a car.

"This comes after the administration's proposed budget called for the defunding of several bicycling programs, including the TIGER program, which has traditionally developed and improved access to a variety of active transportation options – most notably for bike commuting."

Herr referred to PeopleForBikes' statement in May that Trump's proposed budget was "A bad deal for bikes."

"The North American Bikeshare Association joins PeopleforBikes in expressing our frustration in the lack of consideration for alternative transportation options throughout the U.S. We know that investing in projects that encourage the use of bikes for all people is imperative to the advancement of healthy cities and our nation, and it will remain the focus of the North American Bikeshare Association."