Michelin launches industry purchase program handled by QBP | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Michelin launches industry purchase program handled by QBP

Published November 17, 2015

GREENVILLE, S.C. (BRAIN) — Michelin has launched a bicycle industry purchase program tailored for employees of bike stores in the United States. The program provides a discount on Michelin bicycle tires and is being handled by Quality Bicycle Products, one of Michelin's tire distributors.

The purchase program covers all Michelin cycling tires. Store employees should contact QBP for more details or email Tim.Saunders@us.michelin.com.

Michelin also has a program for other industry professionals, which it handles directly. Industry members can contact Yohann.Leblanc@us.michelin.com or Tim.Saunders@us.michelin.com for details.


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