Canadian trade show takes 'hiatus' for 2014 | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Canadian trade show takes 'hiatus' for 2014

Published December 23, 2013

MONTREAL, Quebec (BRAIN) — Organizers of the Canadian bike trade show ExpoCycle said the show will not be held next year.

The Bicycle Trade Association of Canada, which produces that show, said the show would be put "on hiatus" because of the timing of Interbike and because of the lack of available space in Montreal on suitable dates. Next year Interbike is being held about a week earlier than usual, Sept. 10-12. ExpoCycle has traditionally been held the second week in September. For example, it was held Sept. 8-10 this year, a week before Interbike.

"(M)y colleagues and I on the BTAC board of directors have decided to cancel ExpoCycle for 2014 and during the hiatus we intend to focus our energy and attention on making the association stronger with a new energy, focus and goals," said Kevin Senior, the BTAC board chair and owner of Bow Cycle in Calgary. "We intend to make a number of very exciting announcements early in the new year."

At a recent meeting the board had a "long and very exciting" discussion about the value of the trade show to its members and stakeholders, Senior said. He said the show would return in 2015 "if that is the wish of the membership."



Topics associated with this article: Tradeshows and conferences