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SmartEtailing, Merchant OS Team Up

Published July 15, 2010

SAN JOSE, CA (BRAIN)—MerchantOS and SmartEtailing have joined forces to help their mutual clients manage online operations more profitably.

Bicycle retailers using the MerchantOS point-of-sale (POS) system combined with SmartEtailing’s Web site solution now have two proven and powerful integration options available: POS Sync and Order Export, according to a press release.

POS Sync saves retailers thousands in annual payroll costs by automatically updating their online catalog to reflect daily changes in inventory.

New products added to the POS inventory are automatically added to their Web site with accurate retail pricing. Sale and closeout prices applied via the POS automatically update their Web site product prices. Out-of-stock items in the POS can be automatically removed from their Web site.

Order Export automatically transfers online order data from the retailer’s SmartEtailing powered Web site into their MerchantOS POS. This integration saves retailers time and money by eliminating the need to manually enter website orders into their POS.

Cycle World e-commerce manager, Mike Damayo, said, “The integration between MerchantOS & my SmartEtailing Web site is a huge time-saver. I now have much more time to spend working directly with customers. Plus, the fact that both MerchantOS and SmartEtailing are web-based applications means I can manage my inventory and my website anywhere with any browser.”