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Exports on Track to Double Last Year

Published May 31, 2010

WASHINGTON, D.C. (BRAIN))—Frame and fork exporters, who ended February 67 percent above the year before, really picked up sales over the first quarter. By the end of March they had almost doubled their shipments over 2009, shipping 316,481 kilos of frames and forks, an increase of 155,890 kilos so far this year.

Exports of BMX and kid’s bikes are also off to a good start, with unit shipments 43 percent above last year, and better yet, dollar sales are more than double. Jumps in shipments to Canada and Australia helped offset lower shipments to Europe.

Shipments of adult bikes were down 13 percent over the first quarter, though sales dollars remained flat. Strong exports to Japan, Korea and Australia did not make up for lower sales to Europe.

-Matt Wiebe

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