The Little Red Bike children's book is getting traction at bike shops | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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The Little Red Bike children's book is getting traction at bike shops

Published May 11, 2018

DURANGO, Colo. (BRAIN) — The Little Red Bike, a rhyming children's book, is popping up on bike shop counters around the country, auther Bob Copeland tells BRAIN.

"The list is growing and doesn’t include, book, coffee, and specialty stores," Copeland said. 

Copeland worked with illustrator Leif Valin on the book about a little red bike that learns a valuable lesson about pride and how a helpful bicycle mechanic can get its two wheels back on the ground.

"Kids, parents, and cyclist will enjoy the flow of words, following the little red bike as it rides around, happily dinging its bell, feeling rad, followed by a sobering wreck, and a sad sounding 'Ding,'" Copeland said.

Copeland and Valin are each bike industry veterans.

The Little Red Bike retails for $9.99 with a dealer margin, and is available dealer direct. Brick and mortar shops get a free counter top display that holds 10-40 books.

If you are interested in selling The Little Red Bike, contact Copeland at thelittleredbike@gmail.com or call 720-339-1276. For more information and to see the current list of shops selling The Little Red Bike, visit www.thelittleredbike.com.

The Little Red Bike children's book is getting traction at bike shops