Effetto Mariposa moves to Switzerland | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Effetto Mariposa moves to Switzerland

Published September 8, 2014

LUGANO, Switzerland (BRAIN)—Effetto Mariposa, the company behind Giustaforza torque wrenches and Caffélatex tire sealant, moved its headquarters into a new facility in Lugano, Switzerland, from its previous location in Italy.

"Moving our offices and warehouse to Switzerland will take us closer to some of our fastest growing markets, while also providing a better logistic base," said Alberto De Gioannini, Effetto Mariposa's founder.

In Switzerland the company is closer to its Central and Northern European markets.

"With the rate of growth we have enjoyed over the last three years, the ability to stock enough products to supply our distributors was getting to a critical point in our previous facility. What is important, all our products will remain strictly made in Italy," he added.

The company is launching a new tubular tire product at Interbike. "I don't want to anticipate too much, let's just say we focused on solving a problem common to all tubular users. After extensive field-testing and development, our Carogna it's finally ready for prime time," De Gioannini said.

Effetto Mariposa has sold more than 18,000 Giustaforza torque wrenches in more than 35 countries, and the company recently signed new distributors in Canada and South America.