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Standards group honors bike helmet advocate Randy Swart

Published July 24, 2014

W. CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa. (BRAIN) — A committee of the standards-making organization ASTM is honoring Randy Swart, the director of the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute with an Award of Merit and the title of fellow.

The International Committee F08 on Sports Equipment, Playing Surfaces and Facilities gave Swart the highest honor bestowed by ASTM for individual contributions to standards activities.

Swart was specifically recognized for his outstanding work in the development of standards within the subcommittee. Swart has been member of ASTM since 1991 and served as the committee's vice chairman since 1997 and as F08 membership secretary since 2007. 

Swart founded BHSI, a nonprofit that serves as a consumer advocacy program and a technical resource for bicycle helmet information, in 1989. The Institute works to explain the technology of helmets and helmet laws to consumers through its website.


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