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Sea Otter Classic 'monitoring' virus situation, will announce decision soon

Published March 3, 2020

MONTEREY, Calif. (BRAIN) — Organizers of next month's Sea Otter Classic bike festival said Tuesday they are keeping a close eye on the COVID-19 virus outbreak and will make an announcement about the event in the next few days.

"We are carefully monitoring the coronavirus situation," said Frank Yohannan, the event's president and CEO. "We've been in discussions with various agencies to determine the best course of action regarding the 2020 Sea Otter Classic."

He said organizers will make a final decision "within a couple of days."

Yohannan's statement came the same day that organizers of the North America Handmade Bicycle Show announced that event would be postponed from March 20-22 to August 21-23. NAHBS is being held in Dallas this year. 

"Our sympathy goes out to those affected by coronavirus and we extend our gratitude to all health care workers fighting to contain its spread," Yohannan said.