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TrainerRoad CEO Nate Pearson is this week's guest on the Channel Mastery podcast

Published September 30, 2019

BOULDER, Colo. (BRAIN) — Nate Pearson, the CEO of the fast-growing indoor training platform TrainerRoad, joins host Kristin Carpenter on this week's Channel Mastery podcast, produced in partnership with BRAIN.

The episode's title is "How SaaS Apps Organize for Growth (and What We ALL Can Learn), with Nate Pearson."

"Digital businesses may have an edge over analog when it comes to data access and agility, but what this discussion demonstrates is that there are SO many other lessons and crossovers that ALL businesses can learn from the tech culture," Carpenter said. 

"My guest, Nate Pearson, is incredibly generous and forthcoming in sharing the ins and outs of his company’s weekly meeting, data interpretations and strategies, and the evolution of brand partnerships. We talk about bringing your personality into your brand, digital ads, team dynamics and how every brand should always be aiming to be 10 times better than their competition."

You can: Visit the episode pagedownload the episode, listen in the embedded player below, or subscribe to Channel Mastery via your favorite podcast app. 

More information: TrainerRoad | TrainerRoad Podcast | Nate on LinkedIn