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Eurobike Leaders' Night 2025: Investing in the Industry of the Future

Published March 12, 2025

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Leaders' Night as an exclusive introduction to the leading trade fair - New insights and fresh perspectives with Baird Europe, Fundracer and speaker Benedikt Böhm

Friedrichshafen/Frankfurt am Main – Shaping the future, driving innovation, mastering transformation: On the evening of June 24, 2025, the Leaders’ Night networking event will kick off five days of Eurobike (June 25-29), packed with groundbreaking discussions about the bicycle, lifestyle and mobility industry. For the Leaders' Night, the organizers of fairnamic GmbH invite captains of the industry, innovators, and shapers of the future to exchange ideas at the highest level. Following the successful debut in 2024, the second edition will focus on consumer behavior, regulations, future potential and market dynamics.

“The Eurobike Leaders’ Night is a warm-up, a barometer of opinion and a global network meeting all in one. C-level inspiration, exchange and networking make the Leaders’ Night unique and provide a high-level setting for discussions that ensure the industry's future viability and actively shape its transformation. With just under four months to go before the start of the trade fair, the program and framework for the event, which is limited to 250 handpicked participants, have been finalized,” explains Stefan Reisinger, head of Eurobike.

Specialized expertise for a resilient and forward-thinking industry

High-profile panel discussions will again be a central feature of the Leaders' Night 2025. With Boris Partin and John Bastian, Co-Heads of Baird’s Micro-Mobility practice at Baird, a global middle-market investment bank, René Wiertz, founder of the mobility investor Fundracer, as well as Benedikt Böhm, the successful mountaineer, manager and inspirer, leading experts have been recruited to shed light on new business models, investment flows and success strategies for the future. It's about much more than just managing crises – it's about achieving sustainable growth, reaching new target groups and exploring the potential of emerging markets. This framework also addresses unconventional decisions that have proven to be groundbreaking for companies.

Shaping the mobility of tomorrow together

Eurobike 2025 once again promises to be a key driver for the future of active mobility. Together with business, politics and society pioneers, it will set the course for a successful, sustainable and innovative bicycle and ecomobility industry. The trade fair offers a unique platform for inspiring discussions, forward-looking ideas and strategic partnerships. 

Further information:

The 33rd Eurobike will take place on the grounds of Messe Frankfurt from Wednesday, June 25 to Sunday, June 29, 2025. The three kickoff days reserved for international trade visitors (June 25 - 27) will then be opened up to the general public on the weekend of June 28 and 29, 2025. For more information, go to: