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PeopleForBikes Publishes Industry’s First E-Bike Owner’s Manual

Published September 15, 2023

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BOULDER, COLO. (September 13, 2023) — After a two-year collaborative effort by electric bicycle company representatives, industry experts, and PeopleForBikes staff, PeopleForBikes’ new E-Bike Owner’s Manual is now available to license by bike industry companies.

The newly updated suite of content features the 13th edition of the Bicycle Owner’s Manual and the 1st edition of the Electric Bicycle Owner’s Manual. Annual licensing of the full suite of owner’s manual content is $4,000 for PeopleForBikes members and $8,000 for non-members.

“Our new E-Bike Owner’s Manual is yet another example of how PeopleForBikes brings the bicycle industry together for the benefit of all,” said Jenn Dice, president and CEO of PeopleForBikes. “We sincerely thank our members and their staff who contributed their time and expertise to creating the new content. We collaboratively developed this updated, industry-standard manual so that no company has to tackle this large and expensive project alone.”

The new e-bike content was initially proposed in 2015 when the Bicycle Products Suppliers Association (BPSA) owned and developed the Adult/Juvenile Bicycle Owner’s Manual content. Shortly after the BPSA merged with PeopleForBikes in 2019, the E-Bike Owner’s Manual creation began in earnest, led by PeopleForBikes Policy and General Counsel Matt Moore, illustrator and copywriter Gui Lefebvre, and Project Manager and former BPSA Executive Director Ray Keener.

“Creating the E-Bike Owner’s Manual was a lengthy process, and it needed to be,” said Moore. “With so many stakeholders in a category that’s barely a decade old, there were various aspects to address to properly set e-bike businesses and riders up for success. With the help of industry experts and PeopleForBikes staff, we carefully considered and included all of the important information relevant to safely owning and operating an electric bicycle.”

The new e-bike content is divided into four broad categories: safety, fit, tech, and service. Sections on battery charging and safety as well as age recommendations for riders and passengers are also included. Current and new licensees have the option to download the 1st edition of the E-Bike Owner’s Manual or the 13th edition of the Bicycle Owner’s Manual, which includes guidance for adult and juvenile non-electric bicycles.

"KHS has been using the PeopleForBikes Owner's Manual content for adult and juvenile bikes for more than two decades,” said KHS Vice President Wayne D. Gray. “The long-awaited release of the new e-bike content adds another major benefit to our PeopleForBikes membership."

As with all bicycles that are regulated by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, every e-bike sold in the United States is required by law to have “an instruction manual attached to its frame or included with the packaged unit.” The manual must provide the information specified in 16 CFR § 1512.19, which contains the standard federal requirements for bicycles. Similar requirements for instructional documentation exist in other markets, and the new E-Bike Owner’s Manual also addresses those requirements.

A new online system was created for the distribution of and payment for the Owner’s Manual as well as completion and filing of the required Licensing Agreement and Insurance Certificate. To extend your current license or start a new one for your brand, contact PeopleForBikes Owner’s Manual Project Manager Ray Keener at

About PeopleForBikes

PeopleForBikes is the U.S. bicycle industry’s trade association and a national advocacy nonprofit representing 325 bicycle industry supplier members and 1.4 million individuals. Through our three areas of influence — infrastructure, policy, and participation — we accelerate the construction of safe, fun, and connected places to bike; advance pro-bike and pro-bike-business legislation; and reduce barriers to access and welcome more people to the joys of riding a bike. Our goal: Become the best place to ride a bike in the world. Join us at