1st Annual Loam Cup Charity Golf Tournament Presented by The Loam Wolf | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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1st Annual Loam Cup Charity Golf Tournament Presented by The Loam Wolf

Published February 28, 2023

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Attention Bike Industry Colleagues  

New Flash…Pre-Sea Otter Golf Tournament in Monterey to help connect with industry friends, and raise funds to good causes! 

 The Loam Wolf is excited to introduce the Inaugural Loam Cup invitational Charity Golf Tournament supported by G-Form. Our pre-Sea Otter scramble style golf tournament is going to be an excellent time to have some fun on the green while helping raise funds for deserving causes. Each year we hope to focus on different causes from at risk youth programs like Trips for Kids to trail building organizations in areas of need.

 After attending Sea Otter for many years, and only being able to watch others take advantage of the world class golf courses along this amazing stretch of Monterey coast, it is time for that to change. Last summer, after a business meeting on the course with my friends from The Loam Wolf, followed by a few brain storm video calls, we decided it was time to bring the cycling industry together for a good time while raising money for a great cause.

 2023 will kick-off the 1st Annual Loam Cup Invitational Charity Golf Tournament…supported by G-Form!

 Whether you want to gather coworkers for a friendly competition, have a business meeting with some of your best OE partners, distributors and retailers, or bring along a sponsored athlete for some great content, the Loam Cup is going to be a memorable and wild time overlooking the Monterrey Bay from a beautiful and fun golf course

 Where: Bayonet and Black Horse Golf Club

When: Wednesday April 19th,  1:45PM Tee Time Shotgun Start Scramble

What’s Included: Range Balls, Round of Golf, Golf Cart, Commemorative Goodies, Fajita Dinner at Club House

Price: $200 per head, includes Charitable Contribution

 For additional information or ideas on how you’d like to support contact Drew Rhode – drew@theloamwolf.com or Bill Rudell – brudell@g-form.com