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Cyclochrome - Pioneer Of A New Training Program In Bicycle Mechanics

Published October 27, 2022

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MONTREAL- CycloChrome, a leader in bicycle mechanics, is proud to announce its participation in the development of a new post-secondary training program, the Skills Training Certificate (STC) in bicycle mechanics.

In collaboration with the Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec, CycloChrome is the creator of this program, having developed all of its content. Furthermore, CycloChrome is the only partner of the Montreal School Service Center (CSSDM) to offer this training on the island of Montreal.

The new STC program prepares future mechanics to maintain, evaluate, repair and assemble all types of bicycles, including electric bikes and fatbikes.

"We are delighted that our efforts have paid off and that this training program has finally been created," acknowledges Pierre-Luc Langlois, Director of Cyclochrome. "The continuous training of our mechanics is the basis of our excellent reputation in the industry and has allowed us to develop relevant content," explains Mr. Langlois. "The participants of the program will benefit greatly from the know-how accumulated over the years by CycloChrome's mechanics."

"It is always rewarding to offer new professional training programs," says Mario Héroux, Director of the Montreal Motorized Equipment Trade School (EMEMM). "It has been requested for a long time by the industry. Without CycloChrome's commitment, this training would still be in the development stage."

About CycloChrome
Since 2008, CycloChrome has specialized in bicycle mechanics. The not-for-profit organization is a renowned player in Montreal's bicycle ecosystem, repairing the fleets of BIXI Montreal and the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) as well as offering an innovative repair service for electric bicycle motors and batteries.

For the public, its Atelier Mobile service provides bicycle repair services at home throughout the Greater Montreal area, while its CycloChrome Campus, a boutique in the heart of the Plateau offers the sale of bicycle gear and bicycle mechanics training.

The organization's mission is to encourage youth and adults to pursue their high school education through offering bike mechanic repair services and training.