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National Bicycle Dealers Association with MyHealthily

Published June 8, 2022

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Enables Access to Healthcare Coverage for their members with Immediate Savings and Simple Enrollment

For Immediate Release: June 7, 2022

Englewood, NJ – National Bicycle Dealers Association (NBDA) announces it is partnering with MyHealthily to provide access to healthcare coverage options for members, their employees, and their families. This additional benefit will enable members to save year after year on healthcare costs, as well as provide better healthcare coverage.
"Healthcare solutions have been one of the most often requested resources from our members. We are pleased to announce the partnership with the team at MyHealthily, allowing us to offer our members access to premium healthcare for themselves and their employees." notes Heather Mason, President of NBDA.

NBDA Healthcare, the marketplace launched by MyHealthily, offers benefits to all members, along with flexibility in plan design and provider. Bundled with the coverage, at no additional cost and no co-pay, is Prosper Benefits, a suite of non-insurance benefits which enables members to take control of their healthcare costs.

MyHealthily helps small business owners to solve major pain points by providing them with streamlined enrollment, wow customer service, and choice & value with affordable healthcare coverage. They launched NBDA Healthcare to help members enroll in complete healthcare coverage solutions in a simple and effective way.

Michael Malhame, President of MyHealthily added, "I am confident that offering the ability to access healthcare coverage via NBDA Healthcare will enable MyHealthily to provide unprecedented service levels." Malhame continued." Since the signing of the ACA, group health insurance plans have increased at over three times the rate of general inflation. Ninety-seven percent of Americans do not know what their insurance covers, and the process of shopping for and enrolling in coverage remains a significant burden to employers and employees. MyHealthily and NBDA have made significant movement to help resolve the situation."

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MyHeathily, is an Association-approved, customer-centric platform that enables small business owners to choose from group compliant healthcare plans with real savings for themselves and their employees. Currently partnered with 40+ associations across the United States, MyHealthily is solving major pain points for small business owners with choice and value for healthcare coverage.

For more information visit

Contact : Michael Malhame, President