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American BMX Company Becomes Box Distributor

Published April 21, 2022

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ANAHEIM, CA—American BMX Company (ABC) is pleased to announce that it has signed a deal to become the newest Box distributor. Starting immediately, ABC is selling Box-brand BMX components direct to retailers.

"Adding Box to the ABC line up is a no brainer," said Art Ornelas, ABC's sales manager. "We already share a building and warehouse space, so offering the great component line to our dealers, many of whom don't currently buy from the current Box distributors, makes so much sense."

ABC and Box already have a close working relationship. Not only does ABC share a building with the component maker, but Box founder Toby Henderson is a partner in ABC. Some Box components, such as brakes and seatposts, are spec'd on ABC's Race Inc. Retro bikes, with more Box parts to be spec'd on Race Inc. BMX racing bikes later this year. ABC's Cook Bros. Racing also will offer co-branded hubs and brakes with Box.

"Shops ask Art and his sales reps all the time if they can add Box parts to their Race Inc. bike orders. Box components have a big following with the retro big bike riders. They like the fact that our high-quality parts come in so many colors. With the warehouses right next door to each other, it would be a shame to pass on that business," said Henderson, Box's CEO and founder.

ABC currently has a range of Box components in stock, including stems, brake levers, brake calipers, cables, handle bars, seatposts, cranks and much more.

About ABC.: ABC designs and sells bikes and components under the brands Race Inc., Cook Bros. Racing and Bottema. It has licensing agreements with Kuwahara and Tange. And it manages the non-profit Bicycle Motocross Action. At ABC, we work to build quality BMX products. We do this by designing and developing innovative frames, bikes and related programs that enhance the enjoyment of riding and boost racing performance whether it's at the local pump track, the World Cup circuit or the Olympic Village.


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