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Grounded Nebraska Launches Rider Support Program

Published January 24, 2022

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Program supports rural and underrepresented riders to attend event

Grounded Nebraska, a Nebraska-based bike race already making the must-see lists, has launched their Rider Support Program. Grounded Nebraska is located just south of Lincoln, Nebraska, and has a family-friendly festival alongside the bike race.

The Grounded Nebraska Rider Support Program is structured to fully support gravel race- curious riders to train and attend the event on June 25th. Established with rural and underserved riders in mind, priority support will be given to rider’s in rural areas and BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and WTF cyclists to encourage more diverse participation in the sport of gravel cycling.

"Rural areas are often overlooked and bring a unique set of accessibility barriers regarding race opportunities, bike shops, and community than really any other areas. The mentor program makes me proud to support rural riders and welcome them into a safe and welcoming atmosphere," shares Susan Cronin, Grounded Nebraska Race Director.

As longtime residents of Nebraska, Grounded Nebraska staff uniquely understand the barriers facing rural communities.

"When I started riding, our town didn't even have a store with the right tubes in stock, let alone a bike shop. I made it into the industry because someone chose to give me the opportunity; that's what I want to facilitate with our support program," says event co-founder Cait Dumas-Hein.

Riders accepted into the program will receive a stipend to The Pro's Closet, kit supplied by Champion System, bike tune-ups powered by EliteForm, a race entry to Grounded Nebraska, lodging for the weekend, and one-year RideWithGPS membership, along with mentorship, nutrition, and coaching support leading up to the event.

"It's no secret that the gravel community is a welcoming one, and as it grows, it becomes even more critical to facilitate equity, diversity, and inclusion. By working with our partners, like The Pros Closet or Champion System, we're able to craft unique support packages for the recipients to address their individual needs and barriers to get them more involved with the sport," explains Cronin.

Grounded Nebraska will see competitors tackle one of two race distances, 65 miles or 125 miles, just south of Lincoln, Nebraska. Presented as a gravel festival, it embraces the community culture of gravel racing. But, the event is made to be enjoyable for non-riders and riders alike with amusement park-like attractions, live music, yoga, crafts, children’s , local food, and on-site camping.

The application will be open to Continental US residents only from January 21st to February 4th. The application rules and regulations can be found at