Bianchi Creates Australian Distribution Division | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Bianchi Creates Australian Distribution Division

Published October 20, 2020

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Iconic Italian bicycle manufacturer takes over direct distribution from previous distributor, Sola Sport Pty Ltd

As part of its expansion strategy in the Asia-Pacific market, Bianchi announces the creation of Bianchi Australia Pty Ltd, with operations starting November 1st 2020.

Bianchi is implementing a reorganization of its commercial strategy and distribution, pursuing a more direct presence in key markets such as Australia. As part of a wider move to promote sales growth by creating its own distribution networks, Bianchi will focus on the end consumer experience, and on improving and strengthening its retail network.

Bianchi Australia is set to start operations on November 1st from a new head office located in Sydney. "The creation of Bianchi Australia will enhance Bianchi's market penetration and efficiency in the Asia-Pacific region. We want to thank SOLA Sport for their support and dedication in recent years. We appreciate their contribution toward a smooth transition to the new Bianchi Australia", Bianchi CEO Fabrizio Scalzotto stated.


Bianchi CEO Fabrizio ScalzottoBianchi CEO Fabrizio Scalzotto