Unior Tool's Pimp Your Workshop Competition– 100th Anniversary Edition | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Unior Tool's Pimp Your Workshop Competition– 100th Anniversary Edition

Published February 28, 2019

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Unior's Pimp Your Workshop competition is back with more amazing prizes from the wish list of every mechanic!

Show your workshop to the world and you could win one of three amazing Unior products for professional mechanics! You just have to send a picture of your workshop with a few Unior tools visible! After that it's up to Facebook community to decide who will get these amazing prizes from Unior – a European manufacturer since 1919!

To enter, follow these easy steps:
• Take a picture of your bicycle workshop with at least five Unior tools visible
• Send it to bike@unior.com
• Look for image of your workshop on www.facebook.com/uniorbike, share it and promote it inside your community to get as many likes as possible
• The participant whose picture gets most likes will receive a professional workbench, second will get an amazing set of tools, and the third will get a wheel truing stand. Prizes worth clicking for!

1st Prize: 2600A – Professional Mechanic Workbench
2nd Prize: 1600CN – Pro Home Set
3rd Prize: 1689 – Professional Wheel Truing Stand
Total value of all prized combined: over 5000 €! All prize winners also get Unior's 100th Anniversary gift! (Note: Winners of the prizes from North America, will receive the products in red/orange/black version.)

Prize game is valid from 1st March 2019 9:00 till 8th March 2019 9:00 (CEST). Pictures can be sent before the start or during the competition. Full rules & additional information are on Facebook:

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