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SCOTT Sports and BACH EQUIPMENT Join Forces

Published February 4, 2019

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SCOTT Sports and BACH EQUIPMENT have agreed to join forces for the future. From February 1st, 2019, SCOTT Sports will organize the global distribution of BACH Backpacks and will enlarge with this step its product offerings in the outdoor segment. 

BACH Backpacks is a well-established brand, which develops, designs and markets both technical backpacks and travel equipment. With this step, SCOTT will enforce service and presence of BACH products in major markets. 

Beat Zaugg, SCOTT Sports CEO: “With BACH, we will complete our brand and product portfolio. We see a great opportunity to create synergies in operation and distribution. BACH develops innovative and technical products, which fits perfectly with the brand and product strategy of SCOTT Sports.” 

Martin Wiesmann, CEO BACH: “After many years driving and guiding the brand together with my team, I’m honored and proud to bring the brand into the Scott organization, which has a proven structure that respects the culture of smaller brands.” 

Maarten Harteveld will continue to work for BACH as the brand manager. 

SCOTT subsidiaries and distributors will handle sales and customer services from February 1st, 2019 onwards; Pre-season orders and deliveries will be honored and shipped per the terms and conditions of dealer agreements.