Study: Baby Boomers are so yesterday | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

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Study: Baby Boomers are so yesterday

Published May 7, 2012

ALLENTOWN, PA (BRAIN) Monday May 7 2012 8:45 AM MT—Baby Boomer bicyclists may dominate the airwaves and magazine spreads in Flomax advertisements, but the generation no longer dominates the rest of the cycling market, a new study reveals.

Generation X, those born between 1965 and 1984, is the single most important group to the U.S. bike market today, followed by Generation Y, born 1985 to 2004. That's according to the American Bicycling Consumer study, being released by The Gluskin Townley Group later this month. The group has been releasing small portions of the study ahead of its release date; last month the group reported data showing that used bike owners are often better bike shop customers than new bike owners.

Gluskin Townley managing partner Elliot Gluskin said retailers should see Generation Y pass Gen X in importance over the next decade.

“Understanding the differences in buying habits, preferences and priorities between the generations of Americans has now become essential to bike-shop-channel suppliers and retailers alike. Our research found that Baby Boomers have slipped to under 25 percent of adult bicyclists in the U.S., while Gen X represents 30 percent and Gen Y represented just under 40 percent,” Gluskin said. 
“Gen X and Gen Y are both definitely driving the U.S. bicycle industry now, but the two are very different in terms of product preference and use, with Gen X as the most active in the market today in both participation and spending. However, Gen X is smaller than Gen Y in total numbers, and there are millions of Gen Y children that will become adults over the next 10 years — making this the largest generation in history — that will rise to a position of economic dominance and importance to U.S. bicycle suppliers and retailers over the next decade," he said.