Ray Keener

Ray is a long-time friend of Bicycle Retailer and writes occasional columnsm blogs and articles for the website and magazine.

Ray's background includes stints as a bike retailer, executive director of the Bicycle Industry Organization, editor of a trade magazine, founder of Growth Cycle and now executive director of the Bicycle Product Suppliers Association.

All articles by Ray Keener

March 14, 2014
A blog by BPSA executive director Ray Keener

Selling used bikes as a way to serve lower-priced demand isn't the best option for every shop.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
October 2, 2013

I am troubled by three recent negative experiences with IBDs. One each of the warranty, special-order and rental varieties.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
September 23, 2013

There were many questions awaiting the industry as we all arrived at Interbike last week. Would the new hall and hotels be an improvement? Would Consumer Day resemble a plague of locusts? Would any of this matter if we get an early Spring in 2014?

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
August 14, 2013
Daughter Kate, knuckles on bars, looking forward to her 125-degree stem

I take my gal pals bike shopping. They like it better than I do.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
February 1, 2013
Photo-graphic by Peggy Price

One of the many lessons I learned in 1975 from my retail mentor Peter Davis from Champaign Cycle: “Never run out of inner tubes!” Of course, he could just buy more tubes, and I had to beg Tom French for mine. But that’s another story.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
November 28, 2012

The Age-Old Debate broke out on Facebook a while back: Do mass market bikes discourage their owners from becoming cyclists?

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
October 3, 2012

My 19-year-old son Will crashed on his bike yesterday afternoon. Hit his head hard. He was wearing his Lazer helmet. He had a bit of a headache this morning.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
September 5, 2012
Ray Keener

It's not often that I quote the Bible. Or fall off my bike.

I'm old and cautious. My bones heal more slowly than they used to. Plus, I would surely perish if I couldn't ride my bike and play golf. So it had been decades since I've had a major bike mishap.

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
August 24, 2012

In the spirit of “what would Leslie want us to be doing right now.”

Posted in Opinion/Analysis
August 26, 2009

MONTGOMERYVILLE, PA (BRAIN)—The Bicycle Products Suppliers Association and Leisure Trends Group have formed an alliance to track retail sales through a representative group of more than 200 U.S. retailers.

Posted in Studies/Reports
