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POC 'explores' printed lights on clothing

Published September 15, 2015

LAS VEGAS (BRAIN) — POC is "exploring" the use of a new printed light technology that adds active lights to clothing for nighttime visibility. A POC video shows the technology being used on a vest.

POC is working with a company based in Barcelona, Spain, Light-Flex Technology, to develop the idea.

The company said Light Flex offers "printed light technology which can be incorporated into any wearable to increase visibility. The patented technology is lightweight, flexible, washable and easily integrated. Light Flex Technology offers design flexibly since it can be printed in complex shapes and does not compromise comfort or aesthetics," according to POC.

"Innovation in safety is very important to us and we have created an in-house team, called POC AID, to look at all the possibilities of proactive and digital technology to support rider safety," said Johan Weman, who is responsible for digital business at POC. "Incorporating Light Flex Technology is a perfect example of what it's about and it's really exciting to see the potential of this technology working hand in hand with POC's core mission."

Weman said the vest is in the prototype stage.