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Niner Gets CVA Suspension Patent

Published June 16, 2011

TORRANCE, CA (BRAIN)—Niner Bikes' CVA (Constantly Varying Arc) Suspension Technology is now covered by U.S. Patent No.7,934,739.

“The timing on this is great,” said Chris Sugai, president of Niner Bikes. “As we predicted when Niner was founded 29 is now a significant focus in the industry. Our early commitment to this platform means that we have the only patented suspension system developed specifically around big wheels.“

According to Niner, in addition to being designed specifically with 29ers in mind, CVA’s advantages also include efficiency across all gears–particularly important with the growing popularity of 2x10 systems.

“The dozens of positive reviews we have received around the world support CVA as the premier 29er suspension option. Our commitment to 29ers only enables us to refine the system for our chosen wheel size,” Sugai said.

CVA Suspension designs are featured on all of Niner’s full suspension bikes, from short travel XC to all‐mountain options.