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Selling Cycling Pays Off at Interbike

Published October 16, 2007

LAS VEGAS, NV (BRAIN)-Stop by the SmartEtailing booth at Interbike (#1401) and pick up your free nine minute demo CD of the all-new 2008 Selling Cycling program. Watch the CD before December 31 and you could win $1000 cash. Sport,
Maria and Ray will be there to hand off a CD and answer your questions.

"Just type in your store name and phone number before or after you watch the demo," said Ray Keener, Selling Cycling founder. "You'll see some of the cool new features, like the Hand sales process and our new Mind Reader role plays, where you learn what the customer is thinking. Plus, you can start the New Year with a grand in your pocket."

The base Selling Cycling program contains over an hour of Sales and Customer Service content, 75 top brands and over 4,000 new products for 2008, powered by the SmartEtailing product library. Each store customizes the product mix to match their inventory. Over 1300 stores were registered for 2007, with a goal of 1500 for 2008. The cost is still only $200 per store.

Topics associated with this article: Interbike