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Bikes vs Cars documentary opens Friday in 8 cities

Published December 1, 2015

LOS ANGELES (BRAIN) — Bikes vs Cars, a new documentary film, opens Friday in several theaters, with openings in more cities planned for later in the month.

The film advocates for bike-friendly cities in the 21st century. Backers are hoping the film connects the cycling community and people who are interested in progressive urban planning, as well as general audiences.

The film highlights a growing conflict in city planning between the bicycle. Director Fredrik Gertten explores the ongoing efforts of bicycle activists against the combined forces of the auto, oil and construction lobbies.

"Bikes vs Cars is a crie de coeur that will have audiences reaching for their bikes instead of their car keys," the film's promotions said.

A companion mobile app will help cyclists track how much they reduce their CO2 imprint and oil consumption for every mile they ride instead of drive. 

More information about the movie is available at, and the app is available at

Openings starting Friday:

  • Los Angeles @ Laemmle North Hollywood (NoHo 7)
  • New York @ Cinema Village
  • San Francisco @ The Roxie
  • San Rafael, California @ San Rafael Film Center
  • Seattle @ Grand Illusion Cinema
  • Vancouver, Washington @ Kiggins Theatre
  • Columbus, Ohio @ Gateway Film Center
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico @ Guild Cinema

Opening Dec. 11: New Orleans @ Zeitgeist

Opening Dec. 18: Hartford, Connecticut @ Real Art Ways