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Caress steps down as president of triathlon trade group

Published October 6, 2015

ORANGE, Calif. (BRAIN) — Jack Caress is stepping down as president of the trade group Triathlon Business International, the group announced Tuesday.

Caress, a founding member of TBI, will step down as of Jan. 24, at TBI's sixth annual North American Conference in Marina del Rey, Calif. Caress said he will focus his time on his positions on the boards of the Southern California Committee for the Olympic Games and the Los Angeles Sports Council. Los Angeles has been named as the United States Olympic Committee candidate for the 2024 Olympic Games. Caress also will be refocusing his energy on new projects with his event production and consulting firm, Pacific Sports LLC.

"We thank Jack for his service to the organization and his passion for the sport of triathlon," TBI board officers Peter Hurley and Richard Adler said in a joint statement. "He assumed the responsibility as president of TBI when the organization was formed by a group of triathlon industry veterans who wanted to advance the sport, and has been our leader in its growth. On behalf of our shareholders we are deeply appreciative of his efforts."

Caress said, "It has been an honor to lead TBI since its founding. ... After six years at the helm, I believe it's time for a new and fresh vision for TBI, and I look forward to working with my successor and being an active member of the Board of Directors."

A new president will be elected at the Board of Directors meeting held during the annual conference, and Caress' successor will be announced at that time.